
Take A Look ‘Beyond The Glass’ With The Second Episode Of Our Magazine Show

9 December 2019

The second episode of our ‘Beyond the Glass’ magazine show was hosted in Qatar during the Men’s World Championships, with Johnny Williams coming in to partner Joey Barrington as the hosts.

This episode sees an in-depth interview with Australian legend Geoff Hunt, while PSA World Tour physio Derek Ryan gives advice on how to deal with knee pain, and also how to avoid knee injuries.

Also, the pros of the PSA World Tour give an insight into who they think the fastest player on the Tour is, Joelle King and Sarah-Jane Perry react to the Rugby World Cup semi-final between New Zealand and England, and there is a surprise in store at the Pyramids for Dutch No.1 Milou van der Heijden.

You can catch the first episode, hosted by Joey and Aisling Blake, here.

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