PSA Safeguarding Policy

The Professional Squash Association (PSA) is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding at all times at all programmes and events we are involved in. We strive to minimise risk, deliver a positive squash experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.

Safeguarding Aims and Strategy

PSA’s safeguarding aims are to:

  1. Create a safe and positive environment for all children and vulnerable individuals involved with PSA and its events, wherever they may be, ensuring they are protected from maltreatment, abuse or harm in all its forms
  2. Ensure that children that are elite athletes involved in a predominantly adult environment can participate in a safe and healthy way, that the emotional, social and physical impact of participation and training is considered, and that they are given the tools and opportunity to develop and grow
  3. Develop a culture whereby safeguarding practice is widely understood and that individuals involved with PSA are aware of their responsibilities with regard to safeguarding and comply with law, regulations and established good practice
  4. Ensure a clear framework for reporting concerns is in place, and that any concerns will be taken seriously and referred onward where appropriate.

Contact PSA

PSA strongly recommends tournament organisers, parents and players read our Safeguarding Policy and other resources which can be found below. Should you have any questions or need any further support, please contact us using the contact page of this website.

To report a safeguarding concern relating to a PSA tournament or player, please call +44 113 859 1000 or email our dedicated safeguarding email:

If someone is in immediate danger, you should contact the police.

Other Resources

  1. PSA Safeguarding Policy
  2. PSA Incident Reporting Form
  3. PSA Code of General Conduct & Ethics
  4. PSA General Safeguarding Responsibilities for Organisers includes information on:
    • – Risk assessments
    • – Player medical information
    • – General photography and video use
    • – Social media
    • – Various templates and guidance