Welcome to psaworldtour.com and its affiliated sites and mobile products and services, an official website of the PSA World Tour. Please read this Terms of Use Agreement (the “Agreement”) carefully before using psaworldtour.com, its affiliated sites and mobile products and services (the “Website”). By visiting or using the Website or any mobile product or service in any way, or linking to the Website, you are entering into an agreement with Squash Media & Marketing Limited (“SMM”), owners of psaworldtour.com its affiliated sites and mobile products and services. At all times, you are bound by the then-current version of this Agreement and all applicable laws. SMM highly recommends that you review this Agreement from time to time to ensure that you are familiar with the most recent version as SMM reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and SMM concerning their subject matter. If any portion of this Agreement is deemed unlawful, invalid, or unenforceable, then such portion of this Agreement shall be deemed severed herefrom and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement

SMM may, from time to time, offer you the opportunity to use interactive services on the Website, such as the ability to vote in connection with certain events, enter into contests or sweepstakes (the “Contest(s)”), or sign up for official newsletters. By participating in any such Contests, events, or programs, you agree to any and all special terms set forth in connection with any such Contest, event, or program, as well as the terms in this Agreement.


SMM owns or has the right to use all of the data, information, text, images, streaming media, video, sounds, icons, scores, rankings, statistics, and other content contained on this Website (the “Content”), and the copyrights and other intellectual property rights therein, unless otherwise noted. You may print one copy of the Content of this Website for your own personal, non-commercial use, but you may not make more than one copy of such Content, modify it in any way, distribute or transmit it to any other person or company, frame or otherwise display any of the Content of this Website on your own or any other Website, or make any other use of it. Such copying, modification, distribution, transmission, display, or use is a breach of this Agreement and infringes SMM’s copyrights, copyrights licensed to SMM, rights of privacy and publicity of SMM members and others, trademark rights, and/or other rights owned or licensed by SMM.

Trademarks and service marks owned by SMM include but are not limited to: the PSA name and logo, the PSA World Tour name and logo, The PSA Challenger Tour name and logo, The PSA and WSF Satellite Tour and logo, the PSA Squash Awards name and associated designs and logos, PSA Rankings, the PSA Foundation logo and designs, SQUASHTV logo, www.psasquashtour.com, www.squash.tv and any associated websites and designs.


A. Links to the Website

You may create a link from your website to the home page of the Website, without prior written permission, through a plain-text link, namely www.psasquashtour.com. SMM asks that you

notify us in advance of your intention to do so by contacting SMM using https://support.psaworldtour.com/hc/en-gb.

You may not use any trademarks or service marks as links to the Website from other websites, or as machine-readable search terms such as metatags. SMM reserves the right to revoke your permission to link to the Website at its absolute and sole discretion. Any third-party website that links to the Website: (a) shall not create a frame around content of the Website; (b) shall not replicate the content of the Website; (c) shall not state or imply that SMM sponsors or endorses the third-party website; (d) shall not libel or present false or misleading information of any kind, including information about SMM or its members or players; and (e) shall not contain any content that may be construed as illegal, immoral, offensive, controversial, or inappropriate to SMM. The posting or creation of any link to the Website signifies that you have read and agree to abide by this Agreement. If you believe that any website that links to the Website contains illegal, offensive, or inappropriate content, please contact us using https://support.psaworldtour.com/hc/en-gb

B. Links from the Website

Links to other websites or Internet locations from the Website have been provided for your convenience only. SMM does not endorse, sponsor, or approve of any content of such websites or locations. SMM has no control over any of the websites or Internet locations that you may access through the Website, and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the content of any such website or location. If you access any other website or Internet location through the Website, you do so at your own risk.


You may use the Website and/or Content solely for your own individual non-commercial, entertainment and informational purposes. Any other use, including for any commercial, gambling or wagering purposes, is strictly prohibited without SMM’s express prior written permission. Systematic retrieval of data or other Content from the Website, including but not limited to scores, statistics, and/or rankings, whether to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database, or directory, is prohibited absent prior express written permission from SMM.

You also agree not to access and/or use the Website for any purpose not expressly authorized by the Agreement and/or to transmit, post, or distribute to the Website content that:

(a) constitutes an advertisement or solicitation of business of any kind, including but not limited to spam, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;

(b) contains or constitutes software, computer programs, or routines of any kind, including but not limited to viruses, bots, worms, or spiders;

(c) collects information about others, including but not limited to users’ e-mail addresses;

(d) imposes an unreasonable load on the Website’s infrastructure; and/or

(e) reverse engineers or decompiles the software comprising the Website.


The Website offers you the opportunity to register to receive newsletters and other communications from the SMM. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe from SMM communications at any time by using the instructions included at the bottom of every email. SMM is not responsible for information not transmitted due to ISP blocks and other internet-related deliverability reasons.


All content of this website, including any software, is provided “as is” and without warranties or representations of any kind, either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, SMM disclaims all warranties and representations, expressed or implied, relating to such content, including but not limited to any warranties and representations of noninfringement of third-party intellectual-property rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and quiet enjoyment. Although SMM wishes the content of this website to be accurate, complete, and current, SMM does not warrant or represent that any content of this website (including any software) or any data on this website is accurate, error-free, complete, or current, that use of such content or data will be uninterrupted, that defects will be corrected, or that this website, its content or data, and/or the servers on which the website and content are available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Moreover, SMM disclaims any obligation to maintain this website or keep it operational. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of certain warranties, so these exclusions may not apply to you in whole or in part.


Under no circumstances will SMM be liable to any person, business, or entity for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages or losses based on or caused by any use of this website or any other website to which this site is linked, the content of this or other websites, or any viruses or other harmful components derived from any such website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, revenue, or use, business interruption, or loss of computer programs, data, or information, even if SMM has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages or losses. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of certain liabilities, so these exclusions may not apply to you in whole or in part.


SMM reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time, without notice, any features, contests, content, materials, equipment, specifications, models, products, programs, or services described on the Website, or the availability thereof. Products, methods, and processes described on the Website may be covered by patents and/or other intellectual property rights. SMM also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement and your access to all or part of the Website, with or without notice to you.

Your obligations under these Terms and Conditions shall continue for as long as you access or use this Website or use or maintain any of the content of the Website or copies thereof. You may terminate your obligations at any time by discontinuing your use of the Website and by destroying all content obtained from it, and all copies thereof.


These Conditions shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless SMM and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, licensors, partners, co-branders, members, representatives, successors, and/or assigns, from and against all liabilities, claims, expenses, or demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and amounts paid to settle claims, made by any third-party due to or arising from the content you submit, post, or transmit to or through the Website, your use of the Website, your violation of this Agreement, or your violation of any rights of another.


SMM shall not have any liability to you for any delay or failure to deliver the Website to the extent that such delay or failure to deliver arises from causes beyond the reasonable control of SMM including, but not limited to, the failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication lines, third party action (including denial of service attack and overuse or misuse of the Website), telephone or other inter connect problems, computer viruses, unauthorised access, theft, operator errors, fire, severe weather conditions, including floods, acts of God, acts or regulations of any regulatory, governmental or supranational authority, war, riot, strike, lock-out, industrial disputes and the cancellation or postponement.


The failure of SMM to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to respond to a breach of this Agreement by you or other parties shall not in any way constitute a waiver of SMM’s rights to subsequently enforce any provision of this Agreement against you or any other party.


Personal Information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy.


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