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The Raging Bull – Mostafa Asal Documentary Sets New SQUASHTV 24hr Viewing Record

17 January 2024

The Raging Bull – a documentary surrounding the rise of Egypt’s Mostafa Asal – has broken the opening day viewing record for a SQUASHTV documentary.

Within 24 hours of launching on Tuesday, 16 January, The Raging Bull amassed a total of 48,000 viewing minutes.

The new 90-minute documentary from SQUASHTV covers Asal’s incredible journey to becoming the third-youngest World No.1 in the men’s game after Jahangir and Jansher Khan, and features interviews with some of the world’s leading players as well as the coaches behind the 22-year-old’s success.

You can get your hands on a SQUASHTV membership and watch The Raging Bull by clicking here.

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