
Tarek Momen Happy with His Consistency Over 2018-2019 Season

12 July 2019

As we reach the end of another season, the PSA’s Matt Coles has been talking to the stars of the PSA World Tour about their 2018/19 campaigns. Here he catches up with World No.3 Tarek Momen.
The 2018-2019 season has seen Tarek Momen make it a trio of Egyptians at the top of the rankings, as ‘The Viper’ reached the World No.3 spot.

Momen has put that down to finding a level of consistency that he believes he has never had in his game before, and his record this season speaks for itself.

“I was very happy with the way I played this season and the level of consistency I managed to sustain,” he said.

“From October to June I played around 10 tournaments and didn’t lose once before the semifinals. That’s something I never managed to achieve before.”

In February, he reached the top three in the World Rankings for the first time in his career, thanks to that consistent run of form, which started with a victory at the Channel VAS Championships, where he beat Ali Farag in the final.

“Getting to World No.3 was a proud moment for me,” Momen admitted.

“For years I’ve been trying to reach the top but always struggled with consistency. I could beat the World No.1 one week and lose the next [week] to a much lower ranked player.

“For the past 18 months I managed to find the level of consistency needed to reach the top. Since then I’ve been working really hard to stand my ground and go further up.”

The Egyptian also won the CCI International in the second week of January, along with reaching a string of finals through the early part of the calendar year.

Momen holds one of those performances higher than the rest, as he reached the final of the World Championships for the first time in his career.

“I think my performances at the Worlds in Chicago were the highlight of the season. My semifinal match against Mohamed [ElShorbagy] was definitely one to remember,” he added.

“The way I kept pushing myself to get my first win over him in 5 years, and to do it on such a big occasion was truly rewarding. I played some really good squash throughout the week.”

“A great quarter-finals match against Marwan [ElShorbagy] and I also survived a huge scare in the last 16 against [Mohamed] Abouelghar. He had the lead for the majority of the match and I was truly proud of the way I fought back that day and never gave up.”

‘The Viper’ is already into his off-season activities, having spent time in Italy to relax. He is looking forward to the work he will put in during the pre-season period, and he already knows his goals for the 2019-2020 campaign.

Off season training is the building block of the year that gets us going for nine months. I’m really looking forward to working hard with my coaches to start next season on top of my game. A lot of work needs to be done physically, tactically and mentally to perform at my best whilst remaining injury free,” Momen explained.

“My goal for the 2019/2020 season is simple & clear. I want to win as many titles as I can until I reach the No.1 spot hopefully before the season ends.”

Keep a look out for the next player’s review of the 2018-19 season in the coming days, as Rachael Grinham reviews her campaign.

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