
‘Results Are Slowly Starting To Show’ For Eain Yow Ng

14 August 2019

At the end of another season, the PSA’s Matt Coles has been talking to the stars of the PSA World Tour about their 2018/19 campaigns. Here he catches up with Malaysia’s Eain Yow Ng.
Malaysian No.1 Eain Yow Ng had a successful 2018-2019 campaign, as he moved up to take the top spot for his country, as well as jumping to a career-high World Ranking.

The 21-year-old believes that the hard work he has been putting in is finally coming to the fore, and the results are coming as a product of that.

“It definitely feels good to have achieved a career-high of 35 in the world,” the Malaysian said.

“I have been working really hard on my game for the the last two years and the results are slowly starting to show.”

The Malaysian believes he has played well over the course of the season, having reached the last 16 of major events.

He reached that stage in both the Everbright Sun Hung Kai Hong Kong Open and the CIB Black Ball Squash Open in the first half of the campaign.

“I feel that I’ve played pretty well over the course of my 2018/19 campaign,” he explained.

“I was playing well at the end of 2018 reaching last 16 of two Platinum events and had a few good matches with guys in the top 10.”

The World No.36 says his best performance came in the Black Ball Open in Cairo in December, as he overcame Australia’s Cameron Pilley, recovering from a 2-0 deficit.

“My [best performance was] match against Cameron Pilley at the 2018 Black Ball Open,” he said.

“I was really struggling at the start with Cameron’s hard hitting and accuracy, I was 2-0 down and managed to come back to win the match.

“I was really pleased with how I handled myself mentally when I was down 2-0, I kept myself calm throughout the remainder of the match and it really helped. I believe that match was a small breakthrough for me this season.”

The Malaysian’s goal for next season is to continue his move up the rankings. He wants to do better against the top guys, as well as possibly helping his country to glory in Washington in December.

“To continue climbing up the rankings for sure. I had a few matches this season where I pushed the guys in top 20 but just lost out so I’m looking to start winning those matches next season,” the Malaysian said.

“I have my eyes set on doing well at the Qatar World Championships too after losing out in the first round in Chicago this year.

“Besides that, I also would like to do well for Malaysia at the end of the year World Mens Team Championship.”

Keep a look out for the next player’s review of the 2018-19 season in the coming days, as Ho Tze Lok reviews her campaign.

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