
Message from the ‘Maestro’ Amr Shabana

27 August 2015

From the desk of Amr Shabana

Dear loyal fans,

As you all may have heard “rumors” from social media that I am “retiring”. I am here to set the record straight. I have decided not put out a “press release” and instead to write a personal message from the heart to you all. First I have to say I have been overwhelmed by your wonderful messages on social media, I am feeling the love, thank you all for that.

So basically, after spending 20 years as a competitive pro athlete in the beautiful sport of Squash I have decided that this is the perfect time for me to step down and relinquish my spot in the top 10 and retire from the PSA (Professional Squash Association) International Squash Tour and focus on my other passion which is to help people worldwide realize their hidden potential and find their inner strengths. I want to motivate you and help you realize and achieve your potential not only on court, but most importantly in life.

I am retiring from the PSA, “BUT” I am not retiring from Squash and I am not hanging my rackets up just yet, on the contrary this is just the beginning of a new exciting era where I will be serving the game in new and innovative ways and giving you the fans new and unprecedented free access to me in the coming months and much much more. You will actually be seeing more of me now than you ever did!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank first and foremost all of you fans around the world, I have been extremely humbled by your immense support over the years. To all the amazing athletes I have had the pleasure to compete against, thank you for the memories. To the squash media, thank you for your continued support and off course last but not least to my wife and family thank you for your unconditional love and devotion especially when it got tough. And to anyone and everyone who I might have missed from coaches to feeders to training partners to anyone who has ever came in contact with me and contributed to my long journey to the top, I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.

See you all VERY soon. Keep smiling, train hard and remember it’s all in your head. Thank you. I am out.

Amr Shabana
August 27th 2015, North Coast, Egypt

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