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Laura Massaro Receives MBE Award At Windsor Castle

9 November 2022

We caught up with former World No.1 and 2013 World Champion Laura Massaro on her recent trip to Windsor Castle where she was finally awarded her MBE that she was recognised for back in 2020. Massaro is the latest person in squash to receive an honour, following in the footsteps of Yorkshire’s three-time World Champion Nick Matthew, who has an OBE, former World No.1 Peter Nicol and former World Squash Federation Chief Executive Andrew Shelley who also both have MBE honours.

Massaro won 23 titles on the PSA World Tour including her World Championship title in Penang in 2013 as well as two British Open titles and the 2015-2016 World Series Finals title. She also won four British National Championship titles and claimed three Commonwealth Games silver medals throughout her career.

Here’s what Massaro had to say about the experience that she shared with her husband Danny:

Q. How did you hear that you were receiving the honour?

LM: So, I was actually awarded my MBE on the Queens New Years honours list 2020 but it initially got postponed for covid. Then when I was given an alternative date but it was a few days after I’d given birth to Leo so it was deferred again for a year. So, here we finally were in October 2022.

Q. Who presented you with the award and where did you go to receive it?

LM: Princess Anne at Windsor Castle. I had never been to Windsor before and I was stunned by the size of the castle. Inside was quite unbelievable with the history, sizes of the rooms and the details. You couldn’t take it all in. It is a very special place. I was really pleased to receive my award from Princess Anne. She has such a brilliant knowledge of sport and of course her own successes so the small chat we had felt really special.

Laura Massaro in action

Q. How did it feel to be honoured with such an award?

LM: It was really special because unlike the things I achieved with my squash, this isn’t something you can win. It has to be bestowed on you. It’s completely out of your control so for someone else to recognise my achievements and think I am worthy of an award is humbling and very special.

Q. What was the order of the day & did you recognise anybody else receiving awards?

LM: Arrival at the gate between 9.45-10.15 and then several security and registration positions as we moved through the castle. We were then held in the Queen’s drawing room with other recipients of an MBE. As recipients received their awards ahead of us we moved through rooms including the King’s dining room and to a briefing room where we were given directions of receiving the award. This included when to move towards the princess, when to curtsey, how to talk to her, moving backwards without turning your back and curtsey again before exiting right. Before the investiture we were held in a large room with the kings throne and then into the investiture room which was spectacular. High white ceilings, all white with an unbelievable amount of gold leaf on the ceilings and wall. The princess stood on a small stage above the recipient and she pinned the badge to my jacket as we spoke. Pictures then followed.

I, unfortunately, didn’t see him but Daniel Craig received an award on the same day. There was so many inspirational people at the investiture. Many for their work during the covid pandemic.

Q. What do you think that being given the award does for squash in the UK?

LM: I am not sure. I hope it shows juniors some of the places being good at squash can take you. I never would have got the opportunity to go to Windsor Castle is it hadn’t been for my squash.

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