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The Jonah Barrington Column: Olympics Reaction

20 October 2023

One of the sport’s greatest thinkers and a pioneer for the professional game, Jonah Barrington offers his thoughts on squash’s inclusion in the LA28 Olympic Games.

By Jonah BarringtonI

I have been consumed with frustration and fury at our sport’s rejection by the IOC.

I have always had difficulty in being properly objective about my beloved sport, but I have for more than 40 years become subjectively incensed at the perceived chicanery and indeed skulduggery of the Olympic process.

I am obsessed with a multitude of sports, many of which I have never played, but I have always known that squash was different, the ultimate gladiatorial non-combat sport totally in line with the very best features of what was ideal for Olympic sport.

We have essentially been insulted and mocked, and those WSF and PSA presentations (so much hard work and endeavour) consigned to the shadows.

Down through the years I have been saddened at the disappearing careers of so many wonderful players unable to participate in the greatest of all sporting events.

Now the time has finally arrived.

The admirable Amanda Sobhy has encapsulated just what it means to her as a senior playing professional, as the strongest possible motivation over the long passage of five years to the LA games.

Tesni Evans, now 30-years-old, afflicted yet again by injury, has a renewed drive, and calls the Olympics the pinnacle of sport.

Ours is a sport that has total appreciation about what being an Olympian actually means. Compare that to the wretched response of many tennis and golf professionals when granted entry for their sports.

I had almost lost the will to live after so many rejections but thankfully now feel sustained for a further period.

It has been suggested that after my earlier comments I should now eat some humble pie – get stuffed!

We have finally got what we fully deserved in the last century

Just think about this.

A Middle Eastern, predominantly Muslim country, dominates our professional game.

In an area where the role of women is so drastically subservient, where the culture demands that females have minimal constitutional rights, the greatest players the world has seen bestride the planet – chapeau to Egypt!

That alone makes our sport so singular.

I am not privy to what has gone on behind the scenes. The WSF and PSA have always been there but the financial strength and political pull of the USA has given us the clout where historically there have been limitations.

Now we should all be grateful to those who have constantly beavered away so dedicatedly behind the scenes.

This is truly a moment to treasure.

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