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Crouin Up To Career High World No.7 In Men’s Rankings

6 March 2023

After reaching a career-high of World No.8 last week, Frenchman Victor Crouin has moved up to another career-high of World No.7 in this week’s men’s world rankings.

The French No.1 moved into the top eight for the first time last week after winning the Squash On Fire Open last Sunday. He now moves above Egypt’s Tarek Momen to occupy the World No.7 spot for the first time. Mazen Hesham also jumped the former World Champion to move into the top eight, with Momen dropping down to World No.9.

The man Crouin beat in the final in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, February 26 was Egypt’s Mohamed ElSherbini. He has moved inside the world’s top 20 for the first time this week, occupying a career-high of World No.19.

England’s Mohamed ElShorbagy also jumps up a spot. He returns to the world’s top four, displacing New Zealand’s Paul Coll, who drops out of the top four for the first time since the end of 2020.

France’s Gregoire Marche (No.15), India’s Saurav Ghosal (No.16), Qatari Abdulla Mohd Al Tamimi (No.17), England’s Patrick Rooney (No.18) and German No.1 Raphael Kandra (No.20) also moved up places on Monday, after Egypt’s Karim Abdel Gawad and Youssef Ibrahim both dropped out of the top 20.

Elsewhere, there are career-highs this week for Egypt’s Moustafa El Sirty (No.22), Aly Abou Eleinen (No.32), and Yahya Elnawasany (No.36), India’s Ramit Tandon (No.33), Hong Kong’s Tsz Kwan Lau (No.46), Canada’s David Baillargeon (No.51), Portugal’s Rui Soares (No.53), England’s Charlie Lee (No.57), and Curtis Malik (No.58) and India’s Abhay Singh (No.66).

England’s Yusuf Sheikh was the week’s highest mover in the men’s world rankings, jumping up 74 places to occupy a career-high of World No.642.

PSA Men’s World Rankings: Monday, March 6

The men's world rankings for Monday, March 6:
1. Mostafa Asal
2. Diego Elias
3. Ali Farag
4. Mohamed ElShorbagy
5. Paul Coll
6. Marwan ElShorbagy
7. Victor Crouin
8. Mazen Hesham
9. Tarek Momen
10. Fares Dessouky
11. Joel Makin
12. Youssef Soliman
13. Miguel Rodriguez
14. Nicolas Mueller
15. Gregoire Marche
16. Saurav Ghosal
17. Abdulla Mohd Al Tamimi
18. Patrick Rooney
19. Mohamed ElSherbini
20. Raphael Kandra
The men’s world rankings for the week commencing Monday, March 6

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