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Squash Community Celebrates International Women’s Day 2024

8 March 2024

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. The PSA Foundation are proud to champion women and girls of all levels in squash, a core part of our work is empowering them to get involved and increasing opportunities:-

Women In Coaching Fund

PSA Foundation’s Women in Coaching Fund, launched in 2023 as a legacy of the Women’s Squash Leadership program, with the aim of encouraging more women to participate in the game at a coaching and mentoring level.

The first round of this pioneering fun commenced in US in partnership with US Squash in 2023, with the second phase taking place in Malaysia.

29 women have now completed coaching qualifications through this fund.

The fund is now extending to Egypt, with a further 20 places being provided on a WSF Level One Course, taking place from the 13-16th April 2024 alongside the Black Ball Open.

To get involved, please get in touch with coaching@worldsquash.org. More information can be found here.

Women’s Squash Week

Women’s Squash Week is an international campaign that aims to celebrate and raise the profile offemale squash.

PSA Foundation are proud to champion this key awareness week, and a core part of our work is empowering women and girls to participate in squash.

The theme in 2023 was #YouBelong: highlighting how women and girls belong in all aspects of the game. This can be from playing recreationally to becoming a professional player, as well as other areas of the game such as coaching and refereeing.

Learn more about this week here.

More Than Just A Ranking

More Than Just A Ranking is a series where we get a personal insight into squash players about more than just who they are on court.

Through this series we have highlighted a number of women’s stories within squash, including Sivasangari Subramaniam’s comeback from a car accident, hearing from legends Raneem El Welily and Camille Serme on motherhood, talking with rising stars of the game Amina Orfi and Katie Malliff and much more.

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