Become a PSA Promoter: How to get started

“I’ve been working with the PSA for nine years. They are responsive, organised, knowledgeable, forward thinking and open to input. An absolute pleasure to organise an event with.”
Jay Nash, Tournament Director, Nash Cup


PSA offers entry point traditional court tournaments through to high-profile glass court events. Whatever level of tournament you’re looking for, make it a success by joining the PSA Tour.
Download the Promoter Introduction


By following these steps, you can help ensure your tournament is a success:

  • Determine a goal: Make sure you have a clear aim of what you want to achieve with your tournament.
  • Be organised: Make sure you have a well laid out plan, and try to stick to it. Our tournament timeline will give you a starting point.
  • Build a team:. You can’t do it alone; a good team is the key to success. Organise a tournament committee to distribute the responsibilities, and try and get commitment from as many volunteers as possible, from court cleaners to ‘tweeters’, there is a role for everyone! Check out your responsibilities as a promoter using our quick guide
  • Cost and format: Decide what size of tournament will be best suited to you and make sure it fits your budget. Be certain you are aware of the basic financial commitments before running your tournament by taking a look at our overview of tournament levels and prize money purses Promoter Guide – Tour Summary
  • Advertise: Start marketing your tournament as early as possible, using the web and social media is an easy and relatively low-cost way to get started.
  • Communicate: Good communication with PSA, players, your committee and sponsors is vital. As long as you keep in touch, we can ensure we put out the spark before it ignites! Returning messages in a timely manner either through phone calls or emails is a must.
  • Experience: Make sure your tournament is an experience rather than just a squash match. Have junior clinics going on, arrange meet and greets, host an awards ceremony. Organising as many extras as you can to enhance the tournament for players and fans will make your event stand out.
  • Build your reputation: First impressions count. Make sure your tournament lives up to any hype you have given it through your marketing campaign. Follow up with participants and fans and make sure you know what went well and what people would like to see from your tournament in future years.

Are you ready to get involved?

Take our quick quiz to see if you’re ready to take the next step to hosting your very own pro tournament on the elite PSA Tour. Are you ready to register your tournament?

If you’re not quite ready to host a full PSA Tour tournament, why not consider making your local tournament a WSF & PSA Satellite Tournament? Click here to see the benefits.

It’s completely free for federations to register their National Championships and National Junior Opens and these tournaments can all help your local pros earn valuable PSA World Ranking and WSF & PSA Junior Ranking points.

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Need more information?

Get in touch now using our Contact us form or email us at where our experienced team will be ready to help you get started organising your pro tournament. You can also check out our FAQs for further information and tips.

You can register your tournament here:

Complete Challenger and World Events registration form

Provisional Challenger and World Events registration form

Satellite and Federation Events registration form